Welcome to another episode of the Bowie Book Club, where wild speculation and grasping for straws about Bowie’s favorite books has reigned supreme since 2016. This time we read Berlin Alexanderplatz, a classic of German modernism by Alfred Doblin and another trip to Berlin in the 'twenties for us.
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Stuff we Mentioned
- Seattle's Moisture Festival
- Das Rheingold - the opera
- Rheingold - the beer
- Eugene Jolas - original translator and Joycean pal.
- 2666 by Roberto Bolano
- Der Schnitter Tod - the most metal song of all time, translated into English
- The finest in German clowning from the adaptation by Rainer Werner Fassbinder
- Three Lives Bookstore in NYC
- Pushing Ahead of the Dame on V-2 Schneider - and his new book is done!
- Laurie Anderson - White Lily
What's Up Next
Viz, the very strange and very British comic book that's been sending up other, more sedate British comics (and everything else) since 1979. How many references to Roy of the Rovers can we spot? (Probably not that many).
What Song Did We Choose?
Greg wanted Der Schnitter Tod, but traditional prevailed - and V-2 Schneider is a particular favorite of his anyways.
Kristianne’s bizarre mindmap!