Herzog by Saul Bellow

Welcome to another episode of the Bowie Book Club, where wild speculation and grasping for straws about Bowie’s favorite books has reigned supreme since 2016.

This time we have a special guest - musician and author extraordinaire Franz Nicolay, who's got a musical rap sheet as long as your arm and a fantastic new book about touring in Eastern Europe that you should get your eyes and mind around now. He's helping us delve the depths of a middle-aged male psyche of the mid-sixties in Saul Bellow's Herzog - what great insights and baseless nattering will we indulge in this time?

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Franz's Books of Large Influence

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Maldoror by Comte de Lautréamont

"Les Chants de Maldoror is based on a character called Maldoror, a figure of unrelenting evil who has forsaken God and mankind. The book combines a violent narrative with vivid and often surrealistic imagery."

The Humorless Ladies of Border Control

What Song Did We Choose?

Second Choice